With ConexED Cards, students, no longer have to search for the support they need - it’s all laid out and easy to access from one location.
Quick Access
Direct URLs can be embedded in buttons and placed on websites for easy access to services.
Student Support Directory
Instantly see what departments and staff are available to provide support at any given time.
Embed Anywhere
Add ConexED Cards to your institution’s website and within your LMS so students can access the support they need where they're at.
Unique Virtual Lobby Experience
Virtual lobbies serve as the digital spaces where students are warmly greeted and await their turn to connect with a staff member.
Integrated Appointment Scheduling
Whether students are on or off campus, our scheduling system meets them where they are, providing a tailored experience and empowering efficient and personalized support.
Instant Messaging
In today's fast-paced digital world, students expect quick and convenient ways to connect with the support services they need within their institution.
Once you connect and provide permission for our Calendar Sync tool to access your Google Calendar, your appointment scheduling and other ConexED features will automatically integrate with your Google Calendar. This means that appointment times through ConexED will be blocked based on your Google Calendar appointments and vice versa, to avoid pesky double bookings.
No. Your Google Calendar events will remain private and visible only to you. Students or other staff simply won’t be able to book you during the times when you have events on your Google or ConexED calendar.
The ConexED calendar sync is just one feature of our Student Scheduling Software platform—the only one your institution needs! It allows your students to book appointments with college staff at the click of a button. Other features include reason code-based scheduling, customizable office hours, and busy events (plus the Google and Outlook calendar sync!)—without the risk of faculty and staff being double-booked. Combined with our other solutions—from video conferencing and student CRM to case management and business intelligence, it’s the only EdTech you’ll need to manage student scheduling and engagement.
ConexED scheduling and virtual one-stop-shop solutions has made a significant impact on student and staff experiences at Barstow Community College.
Contact us to learn more about our calendar sync feature and full scheduling solution.