
WSU Tech Expands their Educational Equity Footprint by Purchasing Campus Anywhere Booths
Wichita State University – Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology has taken a big step towards addressing student equity on their campus.
Wichita State University – Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology has taken a big step towards addressing student equity on their campus.
This fall the university will strategically place five Campus Anywhere booths around campus to increase student access to support departments. These booths provide students with a safe place to engage in high-touch interactions with student services departments.
One of the largest concerns schools face is providing students with equitable access to support. Some students may not have the appropriate technology at home or an internet connection, which further limits their ability to get support. Other students work full-time as well as attend school or experience transportation insecurities which make it difficult to find and schedule meetings with their already complex schedules.
The Campus Anywhere is a fully-enclosed, sound-proof booth that provides students with a modern meeting space that meets all FERPA and HIPAA requirements. It will give students an additional level of security knowing any interaction conducted will be kept confidential.
Tracy Gorham, ConexED Founder and CEO created the Campus Anywhere booth to be the ConexED version of an “Alexa device”– making it easy for students to be transported to the support services no matter their location on-campus. She believes that this solution increases the likelihood that students are able to use the resources offered to them and ultimately, have their best chance at completing college degrees.
“Student success is everyone’s success. Students who achieve their academic goals and graduation have a great positive impact on their personal lives, their family, and their community.”Tracy Gorham, ConexED Founder and CEO
To learn more about the Campus Anywhere solution, click here.
Campus Anywhere, as the name suggests, is a groundbreaking technology housed within a versatile, soundproof booth that can be placed anywhere with a common outlet and accessible Wi-Fi.
Explore Campus Anywhere™